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  • EDTA Magnesium Disodium | 14402-88-1

    EDTA Magnesium Disodium | 14402-88-1

    Tlhaloso ea Sehlahisoa: Tlhaloso ea Ntho Magnesium Chelate 6.0±0.5% Metsi a Insoluble Matter ≤0.1% PH Boleng(10g/L,25°C) 6.0-7.0 Tlhaloso ea Sehlahisoa: Sehlahisoa sena ke manyolo a manyolo a chelated a micronutrient. Kopo: (1) E sebelisoa temong e le limatlafatsi tse nyane. Sephutheloana: 25 kgs / mokotla kapa kamoo u batlang. Polokelo: Boloka sebakeng se nang le moea o pholileng, se omileng. Maemo a Phethahatso: Maemo a Machabeng.
  • Zinc disodium EDTA | 15375-84-5

    Zinc disodium EDTA | 15375-84-5

    Tlhaloso ea Sehlahisoa: Tlhaloso ea Ntho Manganese Chelate 13.0±0.5% Metsi a Insoluble Matter ≤0.1% PH Boleng(10g/L,25°C) 6.0-7.0 Tlhaloso ea Sehlahisoa: Zinc Disodium EDTA ke ntho ea tlhaho, phofo e khubelu ea kristale e nyenyane, e qhibilihang ka har'a metsi. E sebelisoa temong joalo ka trace element element. E boetse e sebelisoa ho felisa ho thibela karabelo ea enzyme-catalyzed e bakoang ke ho latela palo ea litšepe tse boima. Kopo: (1) E sebelisoa e le micronutrie...
  • Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid calcium disodium letsoai hydrate | 23411-34-9

    Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid calcium disodium letsoai hydrate | 23411-34-9

    Tlhaloso ea Sehlahisoa: Tlhaloso ea Ntho Calcium chelate 10.0±0.5% Metsi a sa qhibiliheng ≤0.1% PH boleng (10g/L,25°C) 6.5-7.5 Tšepe (joaloka Fe) ≤0.001% Tlhaloso ea Sehlahisoa: Lithako tse tšoeu tsa crystalline kapa tse tšoeu ho ea ho tse ling- phofo e tšoeu. E sa nkheng. Letsoai hanyenyane. E batla e le hygroscopic. E tsitsitseng moeeng. Ho qhibiliha ka bolokolohi metsing. Ha e khone ho qhibiliha ka har'a ethanol. Kopo: (1) Chelating agent; se sireletsang; antioxidant (e thibela oxidation ka chelation). E ha...
  • Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid koporo disodium letsoai hydrate | 14025-15-1

    Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid koporo disodium letsoai hydrate | 14025-15-1

    Tlhaloso ea Sehlahisoa: Tlhaloso ea Ntho Koporo e Chelated 15.0±0.5% Metsi a sa qhibiliheng ≤0.1% PH boleng (10g/L,25°C) 6.0-7.0 Tlhaloso ea Sehlahisoa: E qhibiliha ka metsing le asiti, ha e qhibilihe ka joala, benzene le trichloromethane. E sebelisoa e le chelating agent, initiator for the polymerization of styrene-butadiene rabara, initiator for acrylics, joalo-joalo (2) E sebelisoa e le sesebelisoa sa ho nolofatsa metsi, lilemo tse chelating ...
  • Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid disodium zinki letsoai tetrahydrate | 14025-21-9

    Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid disodium zinki letsoai tetrahydrate | 14025-21-9

    Tlhaloso ea Sehlahisoa: Tlhaloso ea Ntho Chelated Zinc 15.0±0.5% Metsi a Insoluble Matter ≤0.1% PH Boleng(10g/L,25°C) 6.0-7.0 Tlhaloso ea Sehlahisoa: Ke phofo e tšoeu ea kristale, e qhibilihang habonolo metsing, e nang le zinki ka har'a boemo ba chelated. Kopo: (1) Ke chelating agent e matla le micronutrient temong le temong ea lirapa. E boetse e etsa li-complexes tse tsitsitseng tse nang le li-ion tsa tšepe. (2) E sebelisoa temong joalo ka limatlafatsi tse nyane. Pakete: 25kgs...
  • EDTA Ferric Sodium Letsoai | 15708-41-5

    EDTA Ferric Sodium Letsoai | 15708-41-5

    Tlhaloso ea Sehlahisoa: Tlhaloso ea Ntho ea Iron Chelate 13.0±0.5% Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid 65.5-70.5% Metsi a Insoluble Matter ≤0.1% pH Bohlokoa 3.8-6.0 Tlhaloso ea Sehlahisoa: NaFeEDTA ke fortification ea tšepe ea chelated. E sebelisoa haholo ka phofo le lihlahisoa tsa eona, lino tse tiileng, li-condiments, li-biscuits, lihlahisoa tsa lebese le lijo tsa bophelo bo botle ka lebaka la tekanyo e phahameng ea ho monya, ho qhibiliha ho holimo, ho halefisoa ke mala a tlase le tšusumetso e tlase ho kutlo le ...
  • Ethylene Diamine Tetraacetic Acid Tetrasodium Letsoai | 13235-36-4

    Ethylene Diamine Tetraacetic Acid Tetrasodium Letsoai | 13235-36-4

    Tlhaloso ea Sehlahisoa: Tlhaloso ea Ntho e Hloekileng ≥99.0% Chloride (Joaloka Cl) ≤0.01% Sulphate (As SO4) ≤0.05% Heavy Metal (As Pb) ≤0.001% Iron (Aslation Fe) ≤0.01% Sulphate (As SO4) ≤0.05% Heavy Metal (As Pb) ≤0.001% Iron (Aslation Fe) ≤0.001mg% Chelueg 3. Boleng ba 10.5-11.5 Tlhaloso ea Sehlahisoa: Ethylene Diamine Tetraacetic Acid Tetrasodium Salt ke aminocarbon complexing e sebelisoang haholo tlhahisong ea indasteri le ea temo le lipatlisiso tsa saense, 'me ts'ebeliso ea eona e thehiloe holim'a ...
  • EDTA-2Na | 6381-92-6

    EDTA-2Na | 6381-92-6

    Tlhaloso ea Sehlahisoa: Tlhaloso ea Ntho e Hloekileng ≥99.0% Chloride (Joaloka Cl) ≤0.01% Sulphate (As SO4) ≤0.05% Heavy Metal (As Pb) ≤0.001% Iron (Aslation Fe) ≤0.01% Sulphate (As SO4) ≤0.05% Heavy Metal (As Pb) ≤0.001% Iron (Aslation Fe) ≤0.00mg% Che355mg/PH Boleng ba 4.0-5.0 Tlhaloso ea Sehlahisoa: Phofo e tšoeu ea crystalline. E qhibilihang ka metsing 'me e khona ho chelate ka mefuta e fapaneng ea li-ion tsa tšepe. Kopo: (1) Har'a matsoai a EDTA, EDTA-2Na ke ea bohlokoa ka ho fetisisa 'me ke ntho ea bohlokoa e rarahaneng bakeng sa ...
  • EDTA | 60-00-4

    EDTA | 60-00-4

    Tlhaloso ea Sehlahisoa: Tlhaloso ea Ntho e Hloekileng ≥99.0% Chloride (As Cl) ≤0.01% Sulphate (As SO4) ≤0.05% Heavy Metals (As Pb) ≤0.001% Iron (Aslation Fe) ≤0.01% Sulphate (As SO4) ≤0.05% Heavy Metals (As Pb) ≤0.001% Iron (Aslation Fe) ≤1mg 3PH3mg 3PH3G ≤3mg 30. Boleng ba 2.8-3.0 Ponahalo phofo e tšoeu ea crystalline Tlhaloso ea Sehlahisoa: Phofo e tšoeu ea kristale, ntlha e qhibilihisang 240 ° C (ho senyeha). Ha e khone ho qhibiliha metsing a batang, joala le lihlapolli tse akaretsang tsa tlhaho, tse qhibilihang hanyenyane metsing a chesang, tse qhibilihang ka har'a ...
  • Diethyl Ethoxymethylenemalonate | 87-13-8

    Diethyl Ethoxymethylenemalonate | 87-13-8

    Tlhaloso ea Sehlahisoa: Tlhaloso ea Ntho Bohloeki ≥99.0% Refractive Index 1.4610-1.6430 Mongobo ≤0.1% Specific Gravity 1.060-1.080 Chromaticity ≤40 Tlhaloso ea Sehlahisoa: Diethyl Ethoxymethylenemalonate e sebelisoang ka har'a motsoako oa pharmacy e pharaletseng ea motsoako oa pharmacy, e sebelisoang ka har'a motsoako oa motsoako oa motsoako oa motsoako oa motsoako o se nang mebala ea meriana , chefo e bolaeang likokoanyana le lithuso. Kopo: (1) Ntho ea bohlokoa ea organic e tala e nang le mefuta e fapaneng ea rea ​​...
  • 4,6-Dihydroxypyrimidine | 1193-24-4

    4,6-Dihydroxypyrimidine | 1193-24-4

    Tlhaloso ea Sehlahisoa: Tlhaloso ea Ntho Bohloeki ≥98.0% Sebaka se qhibilihisang(°C) >300 Mongobo ≤0.2% Formate ≤0.3% Malonamide ≤0.45% Tlhaloso ea Sehlahisoa: 4,6-Dihydroxypyrimidine hangata e sebelisoa e le lisebelisoa tse ntle tsa lik'hemik'hale tse tala kapa organic synthesis intermediate , e sebelisoang haholo ha ho lokisoa meriana, chefo e bolaeang likokoanyana le li-fungicides, joalo-joalo Ka mohlala, e ka sebelisoa ho hlahisa li-intermediates tsa sulfonamides sulfotoxin, vithamine B4, antitumor lithethefatsi ...
  • Potassium Ferrocyanide Trihyrate | 14459-95-1

    Potassium Ferrocyanide Trihyrate | 14459-95-1

    Tlhaloso ea Sehlahisoa: Tlhaloso ea Ntho e Phahameng Kereiti ea Pele Potassium Yellow Blood Letsoai (Dry Basics) ≥99.0% ≥98.5% Chloride (As Cl) ≤0.3% ≤0.4% Water Insoluble Matter ≤0.01% Sodium.3% ≤0. ≤0.4% Tlhaloso ea Sehlahisoa: Lemon yellow monoclinic crystal system columnar crystals kapa phofo, ka linako tse ling ka metamorphosis ea cubic crystal system. E qhibiliha ka metsing, ha e qhibilihe ka har'a ethanol, ether, methyl acetate le liquid ammonia. Ap...